13 March, 2011

Proposal - Model

act 3_model

model in the making

Proposal -Montage

Journey towards Heaven

Super Natural Experience in the proposal

Act 3 experience

Act 3_experience

Act 3_experience

Shifted Realities:In Progress

View of the intervention (seascape/workshop/theater) from the restaurant

One layer of drawings for the montage

View of the barbecue and restaurant zone from an existing site building

Shifted realities taking shape

Act 3_Experience

A view from the outdoor bath overlooking the beach.

Act 3_proposal

Act 3_model

night view

Proposal - Montage

Interface between the street and the proposal.

Proposal - Sections

10 February, 2011

Interim Proposal Development

The data set features proposals and developments spread on the site with a view to maintaining the heterogeneity, through usage of existing hotels, alteration of parking areas and the fresh-water pond, modulation of the existing road edges and the addition of programs in conjunction to the forest and the car-park along the airstrip. The proposal features ideas of reactivation, addition, revival and alterations to the existing, to provide for a 'timeline' of developments and changes to this site (Juhu Tara Road). this 'timeline' aims to intertwine the past and the present with strategies aimed at developing the full potential of the site in future.