Narrative 1
[ Everyday I travel a lot…see a lot many things…obvious, atrocious, ridiculous...why should I see it?...I don’t like it…I want my utopia. (But…) Isn’t this heterogeneity good…only one type of utopia will become boring…you need multiplicity…you need spices, not just bland sushi! ]
The newspaper is a body of fact, fiction, reportage and emotions. It presents underlined codes of importance attached to each piece of news. It has characters, graphics, fonts, visuals which condition the mind and create environments which different people find comfort in reading differently.
Leafing through it each morning, i dwell on my likings and if i do not like what i see, the excitement dips, emotions change, shreds fly! Now you get what you wanted.
Narrative 2
Character rich environments present themselves each day to people who the newspaper. There are likes, dislikes, attractions and regrets. Tastes develop; they are altered by the visuals presented every day, varying in the intensity with which they register themselves. Pieces of information, fiction and reportage overlap after this personalization to form unexplored scenarios and outcomes. The mind creates scenarios, predicts results, forms environments.